Note: Artwork unavailable
Genre: Death/Doom Metal
Country: Finland
Year: 1992
1. Verinen Lapsuus
2. Tuskainen Sairaus
3. Tulevaisuuden Ruumiit
4. Pimeyden Kirous
5. Maailma Palaa
6. Sisälmyksiä Katukivetyksellä
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Metal Archives
Starting as a punk metal band way back in the day, Rippikoulu turned around their act and are credited as the first Death Metal band to sing entirely in Finnish. Only releasing a measly two demos, these guys made quite a splash in the DM community among their cult, underground followers. They play a rather heavy mixture of Death and Doom, sometimes going all out like any other old school DM band, while in other songs, we experience the morbid, dragging Doom elements that saturate the track, dripping with painfully slow rhythms and chunky destruction.
The production on this particular demo seems a lot deeper than their other release, and is, frankly, much worse. You'll hear crackling and speakers being blown, but that only adds to its charm. In fact, I actually like this demo much more than their other, more recent effort because of the sound. An unrelenting and crushing listen, it comes very recommended.
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